We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Years.  One of my resolutions for the New Year is to be a better blogger!  It’s been a busy year for us and I’ve gotten out of the habit of updating the blog.  Here’s a shot we took this week of our crew.  As you can see, little Shannon is growing like a bad weed, although she’s really not as big as she looks in this picture.  I think she’s standing on a rock.  Crispin is beside her, crouching down a bit.  Cider in the middle is doing her “sit like a spaz” routine.  And Ranger to her left and Rowan to his left are both perked up because Mark is throwing his hat over my head while I’m taking the picture.  We had a very relaxed day with the crew out walking in the field.  Until the boys figured out that Crispin was in season.  And then the excitement started.